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Welcome to Children's Voice: CASA, Inc.

Children's Voice: CASA, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, located in Douglas County, Georgia, committed to recruit, train and support citizen-volunteers to advocate for the best interests of children, who have been abused and neglected, in courtrooms and our community. We are empowered directly by the courts and provide judges the critical information they need to ensure that each child’s rights and needs are being attended to while in foster care. Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteers stay with children until they are placed in loving permanent homes. For many children, a CASA volunteer is the only constant adult presence in their lives.

We exist to raise awareness of children in foster care and bring positive, permanent change to their lives. With your help we can make a difference. Our website furthers our mission by providing ways for you to learn more and get involved.

Thanks for visiting. We are looking forward to hearing from you. 

  • Years Serving the Community


  • Trained CASA Volunteers


  • Total Children Served


Surprising Life Benefits of Donating

When it comes to living an altruistic lifestyle, there are plenty of ways to show you care for others. Whether you choose to volunteer your time, get involved in the community or even commit time to strengthening your relationships, living an altruistic life provides many ways to impact others around you. 

One way you can emphasize altruism within your life is by committing to donate to nonprofit organizations. Nonprofit organizations and charities around the world make an impact on their communities and causes through the generous donations they receive. Donating to an organization or cause you care about has some surprising benefits. Check them out below!


Find more pleasure.

Studies across the board have consistently shown donating financial gifts can actually increase your pleasure and joy in life. One research study conducted by the National Institute of Health gave participants $100 each. When participants chose to donate a portion of their money, they experienced heightened and activated pleasure centers in the brain than those who did not. This means more often than not, donating money actually makes you feel better.


Protect your community.

Giving to local community organizations also provides important safety nets, which guarantee assistance for those in need around you. Many community organizations receive most of their funding from smaller, private donations. These groups can have the most significant impact on building up your community members and fostering a better environment for the future.


Improve your health.

Speaking of benefits, donating to a cause has actually been shown to improve your physical health, as well. People who volunteer and give consistently score better in measurements of overall health than those who do not. Additionally, knowing you make an impact can also improve your self-esteem and self-worth, helping to lower depression rates.


Reduce your stress.

With depression often comes stress, which can also be reduced through the simple act of giving. Researchers at John Hopkins University and the University of Tennessee found charitable givers often experience lower rates of stress and reduced blood pressure levels compared to their counterparts who do not give. By improving your happiness and health through giving and serving others, you can also reduce your stress levels.


Learn money management.

If you struggle to maintain a budget, giving can help you learn important money management skills. By setting up a recurring donation every month, you can feel even more motivated to attend to your finances and ensure you don’t fall behind. By paying attention to giving, you also pay attention to your bank account, and help learn better money management.


Get a tax deduction.

Finally, one of the most popular reasons to give: getting a tax deduction. If you give to an IRS-approved charity, you can write off any donations you make on your tax return. While it might not be the most important reason to give, it certainly doesn’t hurt to save a little extra money in the long run—and help others at the same time.


There are lots of ways to live an altruistic lifestyle and help those around you. One important way you can get involved is by giving a financial gift to an organization or a cause you care about. Not only can you be sure to help those in your community, but you can also enjoy the many benefits which come from giving.