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Welcome to Children's Voice: CASA, Inc.

Children's Voice: CASA, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, located in Douglas County, Georgia, committed to recruit, train and support citizen-volunteers to advocate for the best interests of children, who have been abused and neglected, in courtrooms and our community. We are empowered directly by the courts and provide judges the critical information they need to ensure that each child’s rights and needs are being attended to while in foster care. Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteers stay with children until they are placed in loving permanent homes. For many children, a CASA volunteer is the only constant adult presence in their lives.

We exist to raise awareness of children in foster care and bring positive, permanent change to their lives. With your help we can make a difference. Our website furthers our mission by providing ways for you to learn more and get involved.

Thanks for visiting. We are looking forward to hearing from you. 

  • Years Serving the Community


  • Trained CASA Volunteers


  • Total Children Served


4 Ways to Give Back on Mother’s Day

She always picked you up when you fell down, held you close when you were sad and celebrated with you when you were joyful. As you grew up, she continued to be there whenever you needed her—good or bad. She’s your mother, and she means the absolute world to you.

Happy almost Mother’s Day! In case it slipped your mind, Mother’s Day is just around the corner on Sunday, May 13th. This special day is dedicated to all of the incredible mothers—and those who have embraced the role of mother—who love their children well and care for them every single day. Mother’s Day is all about thanking that special person in your life for taking care of you as you grew into who you are today. 

But, what can you give your mother that truly shows her your appreciation? If you strive to live an altruistic lifestyle, there are plenty of gifts you can give your loved one on Mother’s Day that also give back to others in the community. Here are four ways to give back on Mother’s Day.


1. Buy flowers from a local florist.

Flowers are always the perfect Mother’s Day gift because they brighten her day and reflect the joy she brings to your own life. If you want to buy flowers for your mom this Mother’s Day, be sure to shop from a local florist or flower shop. Big chain stores might often be the easier alternative, but by shopping locally you can feel confident that your gift is going to help others in your community. Put food on the table for a family, show your support for small business and make conscious purchasing decisions by buying local flowers.


2. Shop fair trade jewelry.

If your mom loves jewelry, be sure to give her something extra sparkly this Mother’s Day! And don’t worry; you can still shop altruistically in the jewelry section. Check out local fair trade shops or search online for fair trade jewelry retailers. Fair trade products often employ men and women in developing countries or in poverty in the U.S., and ensure they are paid a living wage for their efforts. By buying fair trade, you can support another woman halfway around the world, who is able to send her children to school because of the opportunity making jewelry provided. Give your mom something shiny and charitable by surprising her with fair trade jewelry.


3. Give a newborn care package.

If there’s a new mom in your life who’s celebrating Mother’s Day herself for the very first time, show support for the new little baby by giving her a newborn care package. Make a package yourself with a variety of items the new mom and baby might need, or search online for organizations and businesses that already offer a care package. Some nonprofit organizations will also match your purchase by providing a mother in poverty with the resources she needs to care for her child. Do some research and design which works best for you to give to the new mother in your life.


4. Purchase from altruistic organizations.

Finally, no matter what you decide to give your mother or a mom in your life for Mother’s Day, live an altruistic lifestyle by supporting organizations that give back. Search for small businesses or nonprofits in your community, nationally or internationally that have a hand in helping others around them. When you purchase from altruistic organizations, you ensure that others around you can live more fulfilling and joyful lives. What better gift can you give the mother in your life than honoring her through providing to others?


Mother’s Day is only a few short days away, so start your gift shopping early with an altruistic lifestyle. Try out some of these gift ideas this week in order to surprise the mothers in your life with a gift that gives back.